Oak Park River Forest High School Pool Referendum D220 Committee, yet again.

 Try, try, try and try fucking again, freaking greedy dipshit inbred idiots, obviously the people who brought you the stupidity of the Vote D200 and stupid pool referendum all trying to bring you a sequel of bullshit. Because they think you did not understand what they were trying to sell you the first time. No, more than half the village of Oak Park, IL smelled the bullshit and voted no, but that’s not stopping this committee of greedy idiots. They make the excuse they are trying to build area for technology to meet the demands of a “virtual learning opportunities” then why they need a fucking pool? Give these kids a bunch of iPads and call it a day.

Even though this board of morons is opening the issue to the public for discussion their efforts in the past were not successful so what makes them think that this time will be different? Although they are bringing one new person in, “new blood” but it really does not matter if the board is still stuck with the majority of idiots who have done constant committee on this thing and the end result is still the same.

At this point it looks like one the board is filled with sore losers, second there is something obviously corrupt or “rotten in Denmark” that they are trying to push this issue as hard as they are, and third if they did not accept the vote of the referendum on Nov 8th then what says they will listen to their dissenters during the outreach process.

But that’s Oak Park, Il for you, they do not care what anyone else thinks or says (as obvious by the comments section of the article below), they will do what they want and use your tax dollars to do it! It’s like getting a sexual disease when you don’t use condoms you keep going RAW you keep on and keep on, the end result is going to be negative. The same thing here with the 200 vote popping up again, they keep on and the situation will be negative as well.

Here is the article regarding the D200 failed pool and the new committee:


Vote No to 200 Oak Park, IL got it right!

I did not hear anything about the Vote 200 crap I talked about in two of my past posts so I had to search on Google for the news. OMG my vote counted!

No I don’t give a flaming shit about the Presidency I am talking about saying no to that damn pool and vote 200 shit that Oak Park, IL was trying to push down taxpaying throats. Oh it was so close, such bullshit. The Vote Yes D200 Referendum Committee should have not crossed the line with such heavy handed tactics the fliers the signs it was a bit much, I think I saw less banners in clips of Nazi Germany than the signs around Oak Park and River Forest High School for example.

The winners, the opposition hopefully will not rest and watch these sneaky, sneaky snakes on the School Board so that they are not wasting funds that can go into something more beneficial for the ENTIRE community not just a small handful of individuals. Ah I am so happy I think the next time I step in dog shit, in my building courtyard (thanks Greenplan) I will not be as upset! I am going to drink like a fish tonight!

Here is the, as always brief and less thrilling article about the “Vote No to 200” victory, in the bland Oak Leaves segment of the Chicago Tribune:



What is up with Oak Park, Il blog?

I haven’t left you my darlings with the holidays rolling about and my honey’s b-day coming up I have my head spinning like the exorcist. I am usually an early shopper for Christmas so the location of the gifts are a huge issue for me now because I am trying to cut down on the junk I own. I am trying to get the hell out of Oak Park, IL and I am not paying a lot to the movers!

There have been a couple great things happen so far since I last wrote the Pool referendum FAILED hahaha and Fenwick lost on a “Controversial call” please! So I will be saying something about that soon and how Oak Park, IL is so delusional in its thinking lucky there are some people in this village have some common senses but it looks like only half of them do.

Trump won so I am planning a get-together Thanksgiving party with Johnson and Jill supporters in the middle and the Trump and Hillary supporters on either side. LOL Basically so that everyone does not kill each other during any talk about politics! Hope it works!


I Voted! HAHA NO to the stupid OPRFHS Pool!!!!

I took time out upon this very special election day to vote my conscience, and my hatred for badgering mailers, and decided to vote for the best route I believe for the village of Oak park. I voted no to their stupid pool because the village still did not illustrate the benefits of the poll to me, whether it was in the short term or the long term.

If you are paying for something you want to know what you are paying for, and how it benefits YOU in the short and long runs. No talk about new jobs or new businesses or tax breaks just pay more money on your property taxes, which thank GOD I do not own any here in this seedy little village.

Well, I am off to throw my sticker in the garbage and go about my everyday life, because after today America gets not want it needs or wants… it gets what it deserves!

I found this fun clip on how one family is protecting their freedom of speech:


Either aisle of the political spectrum you are on its hilarious!

Vote D200 Yes to OPRFHS Referendum: I was sent another fucking card!

Okay, now we are really pushing it. The fact of the matter is that OPRFHS is a pain in my ass, I received yet ANOTHER card about that stupid pool referendum Vote D200 Yes my ass. You know this being an election year we are continuously being bombarded about political messages so it is enough to hear all that shit (no matter how you vote) but to have some bureaucratic agency adding to it is just some sour shit. Do they think by sending some bs about their frivolous project will help garner votes?

Honestly looking at the card all they state as winners are the students, THEN the OP-RF residents, HA! Basically putting the taxpaying residents second, in other words, thank God I rent so I do not have to foot the bill for this shit. But hey I do vote and I do not appreciate such badgering, you do not steamroll someone into voting your way. All that breeds is resentment and then when election time comes up for local government positions in Oak Park, IL, those pissed off residents who still harbor that resentment will vote upon that convictions. Hopefully to appoint new Board members and not have things like this happen again.

A few points:

  • When you state “don’t be fooled” and state your points, unless you are a blogger like myself you want to word your points as if you are stating facts not opinion. Meaning “Actual pool cost is $21.m (Not “37.3m”) attitude much? Having an attitude does not win me over, ugly is just ugly, and I vote against it all the time.
  • The whole card or message is trying to frame this “us” mentality after they already went ahead and voted to try to move ahead with the project they wanted. It is on the ballot because the residents do not want it in the first place. The board did this on their own now they suffer for it.
  • Have you ever heard of an extensive street resurfacing project being voted on by residents, no? Exactly because something like that is necessary, this project is not. How will this benefit the taxpaying residents there is no mention or details if you have time to make two different flyers and send them out before the before the vote you have enough time to specifically state the benefits.
  • This card reveals a Freudian slip in the order they state the “winners” of this project by putting the TAXPAYERS, the resident last, they should have been first. In fact, if you are trying to win funding from someone in the real world you tell that group how it would benefit the community and/or the patrons, not how it would benefit you. Ask any kid their weight in gold when they are asking for a new car. The ones that are successful bring up how they will be less of a burden to their parents, there is no mention of benefits to them. The ones that are not successful are the ones stating how they are going cruising to hookup, pick up their friends to get high or go to underage parties that no parents are involved and there are tons of alcohol. Which is basically what this group is doing.
  • Quotation marks used throughout the whole presentation of the facts, just shows the level of frustration that is underlining this group’s efforts. I am kind of surprised this is coming from representatives of an educational institution but then again I am not.

I can vote in Oak Park, Il and I rent so this taxing really does not mean shit to me HAHA but I will vote no, so this group win or lose can suck it. Oh one more point they state the actual pool cost is 21.4millon, but in today’s day and age have you ever heard of any construction project coming in at or under the proposed budget? Yeah very rarely, and I doubt this project will be at just 21.4 million but I am not worried I am not paying for it.

Just saying NO to the Mailing for the Vote yes Referendum Card I was sent

Oh so I got home and checked my mail and got one of these Vote Yes on 200 the Oak Park River Forest High School Referendum telling me about the Tax cost per Household (annual Property tax Bill) and how it will greatly impact the students of OPRFHS plus the benefits that THEY, the students will reap. Geez, glad I rent over in this bitch and do not own property, I mean it seems like a small group of government or legislative idiots pushing through a measure that will cost the majority of residents a huge ton of cash, in which only a few select individuals will be able to use.

I wonder will residents be able to show their tax bill and use the pool if they want? I mean they will have at least a couple grand invested into this thing by the time it’s done right? Oh it also expands areas for the Performing Arts, which is usually for any school is first set of programs they eliminated if there are budget holes LOL! Does every resident get a free ticket for a concert since they are being forced to pay for the pool? I mean it’s like Windows 10 where Microsoft tried to stuff it down every PC owners that only to have it be rejected by the vast majority of users. Here in Oak Park, Il you have the majority of residents REJECTING the idea of this expensive ass pool.

Probably because like me they do not see the need for the extra expense is needed, nor do they think the extra add-on is necessary there is not a convincing argument for the majority of the residents to add on an extra line cost to their already tightened and taxed household budgets. How about they do not have any kids that go to the school? Maybe they have pets instead of kids, because they do not want any because they do not want the extra expense, or maybe these residents cannot have any? Thanks OPRFHS for pushing this agenda on these groups of residents. How about those residents that are single or maybe even elderly and/or their kids are in college now so they see no need to keep assisting OPRFHS anymore?

I mean doesn’t enough of our taxes go to schools and it seems there are still issues of funding? I think that statement is reflective of most, not all, of the school districts in the Chicagoland area. But to have a school board that just wants to tax the residents for frivolous expenses for things the majority of the residents do not believe is necessary is why I got this stupid card. I mean I did not get a card from the vote NO to 200 group at all you know what that means? It means that the support is there, to vote NO, not to vote YES In other words, it is like when you go over your friend’s house and their little dog runs up to you as you come into the door and starts humping your leg savagely. It’s gross and annoying, just leave me alone.

Vote 200

Now I have been seeing signs all around the village regarding “Vote yes on D200” or “Vote No on D220” and personally I wondered what the hell it was. So I first went to Facebook and found two Facebook pages dedicated to two separate movements to approve and construct a new pool and to fight against the construction of a new pool for Oak park, Il and River Forest, Il. Personally I did not give a shit because I do not swim, and furthermore the idea of wading in a public cesspool of chlorine-drenched, pissed filled water does not excite me.

Before I go on here are the Facebook pages for each:

Either way I hate to own property in this fucking village, and I am glad that I rent, so I have the option to leave. But on August 1st at a special meeting Oak Park, Il’s District 200 school board voted to install a pool, from what I understand without too much resident feedback. Then on August 16th they voted on a cheaper plan either way why these kids need a pool when parking and other things are major issues in the village and not every resident has kids, wasting taxpayer dollars on this is beyond me. Considering that the plan will raise taxes up to $190 per year in some way who really gives a shit.

I do have to mention that there are three plans floating around and plan B (plan dos) has a mention of a parking garage which would stoke anyone with a parking hangover from the poor city planning of Oak Park, IL. However, it does mean that even the school board acknowledges the parking issues in Oak Park, Il so why building a pool is in the best interest of the village is beyond me. In fact, there is a pending referendum coming up to be voted on, since a majority of the residents do not like any of the plans as mentioned in a recent article on the subject I wonder why anyone in the leading government bodies in Oak Park, IL is letting it get this far?

Oh I forgot this is Oak Park, Il and it majors in focusing upon the unreasonable, and the unimportant, give me a friggin referendum on the Nov 8th ballot about construction of some parking garages around the village and see what happens. To me this is just an exercise in poor judgment. Classic Oak Park, IL.

This is the article I previously mentioned regarding the parking garage/pool construction: http://www.oakpark.com/News/Articles/8-2-2016/Fight-ahead-after-D200-board-chooses-pool-plan-/