Happy Memorial Day! 2020

Happy Memorial Day!

Hopefully you are social distancing staying your ass at home, barbecuing by yourself or those who live with you. And you are not out and about exposing yourself to corona or exposing others to the virus.

This year holidays are weird due to the virus, but we are still Americans, still have the majority of our rights, and can celebrate those who served to keep those rights alive, but with social distancing as responsible individuals.

So happy memorial day be responsible stay home don’t blow your fingers off with firecrackers and stay safe… At home.


Here are some links discussing Memorial Day and what it really is about; ie: not about you drinking all day and partying like a fool:

  1. https://www.calendarpedia.com/when-is/memorial-day.html
  2. https://www.almanac.com/content/when-memorial-day
  3. https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/memorial-day-history

The Memorial Day weekend and afterwards..

Time seemed to just fly by this weekend thanks to the holiday Memorial day I was able to get away from the village of Oak Park, IL for a little while. I heard the new mayor of Chicago was trying this time,  to get a handle on the city’s violence during this time. I wish the village of Oak Park, IL would have used this time to remove the stick out of its collective asses to bring some life to it. I could not stand another moment of the boring lackluster atmosphere during a holiday weekend in which Men and Women gave their lives so that we could enjoy our freedom by being in this restrictive area.
I think that is what is the real issue with Oak Park, IL it is just a shell of itself, a place tries to be representative of ideals and morals thought to be great and lively. However it is all bullshit the village likes to do the exact opposite of what it tells itself and others and then we all become foolishly residents of a monstrous ploy. It is hard to enjoy a holiday weekend here unless you are stone drunk by Friday night and are recovering the rest of the weekend.
The weekend went by as such, and I totally welcomed it, to be in bed enjoying some silence was fantastic but it was not in the village. Oh no, not here! LOL I went to a hotel in Lombard and enjoyed the room and quiet. Now back I feel yuck almost a film of disgusting vomit covering everything and a feeling of being letdown entirely. And I know I get that feeling every time I come back to Oak Park, IL.

Happy Memorial Day from the Oak Park, Il blog!

Memorial Day in the United States was first started to honor American Civil War veterans in the Union, then extended further to all those who fallen during military service during World War 1 but It did not become an official holiday until 1971!

I know right, WTF??? Remembering people who have given their lives for freedom and basic human is very important, and today is a day that gives us all a chance to remember them and be thankful.

These are some links that discuss more about Memorial Day:

While you are partying it up on Memorial Day thank a veteran!