Black Lives Mural in Oak Park, IL defaced -no surprise there!

Well, Well and Well. Thank you for proving me fucking right! Oak Park, IL has taken off its mask and shown its ugly RACIST face. On the 8th someone or maybe a group of people vandalized the Black Lives Matter mural and changed it to an “All Lives Matter” mural. Honestly “all lives matter” is bullshit because they do not. The same assholes who say that are the ones who have a problem wearing a mask when around people in public venues.

This was a festering in the area where the “overwhelming support” obviously had some dissenters. There is video online of a couple that, in broad daylight are painting over a similar Black Lives Matter mural In California, for them evne though they are obviously racist and out their fucking minds, I have a sliver of respect for them over the idiots who vandalized the mural in Oak Park, IL. The couple in California at least had the BALLS to do it in broad daylight, these people in Oak Park, IL actually did it at night.

Plus, on top of that is the area in which this occurred: Scoville Avenue just south of Lake Street in Oak Park. And no one saw nothing? Near Lake street? Which is Oak Park’s Michigan Avenue?? come on!! That tells you what the area thinks about this mural in the first place. Every time I drive through this area at night, I always run into a cop car, but on the 8th there, was, not, one???? No one was a person, or a group of people do all this new “artwork” to the mural?

Unfortunately, no one will come forward because everyone is in the closet with their hatred in Oak Park, IL unless you have some idiot who brags to a friend, who then brags to a friend who does NOT appreciate that shit. Add to this situation is that the couple in Martinez is being charged with a hate crime in their case so most likely the people involved here will be charged the same way. With the Oak park police department, I doubt the perps will be found because there are no consequences to not do the right thing and find the people involved.

Unless either the state or federal government fines the village for its lack of charging vandals in this case their will not be charges however, I guess the area will be more vigilant regarding the mural… at least for a while. But this is truly not a surprise considering how fake ass Oak park, IL really is. With all the past racial incidents not really coming to a solid conclusion it does mar the area, and those residents, students who try to move on and do more with their lives. Coming from a racist ass village does not sing well with college admissions representatives who do not want to accept student who may become a hassle in the future regardless of the probabilities that student may or may not be one (a hassle).

The problem is instead of facing its racist present Oak Park, Il would rather put on a mask and fool itself regarding what is still going on. As now everyone around the village can see this “shining beacon on a hill” is really not shit. The mask is off and there is no way to put it back on.

PS: Oh, I found out about the mural being defaced wayyyyy early in the morning via social media and waited until the local news confirmed it four hours later. FOUR HOURS. Great going Oak Park, IL!

Here is the article regarding the pair in California being charged with hate crime:

Here is the article regarding the mural being defaced:

Racists just come out the woodwork, like they did in River Forest, IL…

I am really loving all the racists coming out of the woodwork! For some odd reason these idiots think “freedom of expression” or freedom of speech means there is no consequence or responsibility for that freedom. Countless service men and women will tell you otherwise, however these dumbasses think it is okay to go ahead and do whatever it is they want.

Unfortunately, as the saying/song goes for these idiots: “you are going to lose your job” AND then is when they do an about face and realize “how wrong” they were or apologize for those “who feel offended” LOL. Like no bitch you meant to offend someone, and someone recorded your ass in the process to show what you ae an idiot and also unemployable. If that is even a word. Even if a company or CEO felt the same way they could not take a chance of an unstable person like in these videos below. Being in their employ, mouthing off like they are nuts with there is something they do not agree with.

Plus, most companies are trying to expand and get over COVID-19 and the losses incurred by the pandemic. Therefore they need to be able to enter various markets and become more inclusive not exclusive with an employee ranting racial insults while knowing they are on camera!

Here are some recent incidents:

Asian family speaks out after San Francisco tech CEO’s racist rant at California restaurant

Alleged racist attack on Black man in Indiana under investigation by FBI

Woman Becomes Internet HERO for Beat Down on Racist Lady

White teacher suspended after racist rant against black man

Mask confrontation turns racist

California Woman Goes On Racist Rant In Viral Video | NBC Nightly News

Black Student Films Racist Tirade Against Her in Manhattan

Hopefully most of the idiots involved are now infamous and have lost their job and will keep losing opportunities that can go to the rest of us of us who have fucking sense to respect others no matter how different they maybe.

So Hate does have a home in Oak Park-River Forest!!!

Now I did not want to say anything about this altercation in River Forest, Il until all the facts came in. BECAUSE you know how people get “this video does not show everything that happened” or “Lets wait for all the facts” But as I said before there is huge racism at play in the local area’s real estate/property management market. And to illustrate that point was the idiot who started a racial tinged altercation at the River Forest Jewel with a woman of color.

Now, before you say, “that is just one person” fucking please. This dude was just overt with his shit. There are plenty of people who are just covert with it or they hide behind “this came from the top not me…” When bullshit Karen its 100% you. I have copied the River Forest Police Department’s Facebook statement below (in case you hate Facebook, like I do) and as per the news and the statement this “gentleman’ was not only the instigator, there were MULTIPLE witnesses to the parts not seen by the video and as you can see by his picture has no remorse.

If this gentleman is acting like this at a Starbucks, you can only imagine this dude when conducting real estate deals that include People of Color (POC). I hope that everyone (POC) who has dealt with this man and had a real-estate deal gone astray for some odd or fishy reason comes back to make a complaint against him. The village of Oak park, Il and River Forest, IL should also look into his business practices as a result of this incident. But that’s if they are only truly wanting to put money to all the shit they are talking about equality.

I extremely doubt that after a plea deal which he does not deserve from hitting a woman, that the local law enforcement will push punishment any further.  Nowadays there is a need for a clean cut example that this behavior is not tolerate, fuck that “sorry” shit, because this dude has handed everyone a clear opportunity to set things right. Hopefully the village of River Forest will have balls to take it.


Village of River Forest

Like This Page · Yesterday · 


The Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office has charged River Forest resident Robert Palley (61) with one count of a Hate Crime and one count of Aggravated Battery (Public Place) after an incident in the Jewel parking lot on Wednesday morning.

The Cook County Felony Review Unit recommended the charges after an investigation by the River Forest Police Department and prosecutors.

Mr. Palley is alleged to have committed a battery against a female, African-American woman in the parking lot of a Jewel Foods store (7525 W. Lake St.) following a verbal exchange that, according to the victim and witnesses, was racially-motivated.

During the course of its investigation into the altercation between Mr. Palley and the victim, River Forest Police investigators sought felony charges against Mr. Palley for his role in the incident.

Mr. Palley will participate in an online bond hearing this afternoon.

“We have no tolerance for hate in River Forest,” said River Forest Village President Cathy Adduci. “We appreciate and support the thorough work of our River Forest Police Department as well as the cooperation of the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office to hold those who engage in criminal activity that is motivated by hate fully accountable. And, we applaud the witnesses that helped the investigators determine the facts in this case so that felony charges could be brought against this individual. Finally, we’re pleased that officials from Jewel-Osco cooperated immediately by providing video footage, which helped us move forward quickly on this case.


Here is the link to the article if you want to share with others:

Here is the (short) video of this dude being approached but this woman in the parking lot and him flipping out:

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Oak Park, IL is just counterproductive against progress

Going back last year there were white supremacist flyers littering the village, this year racist graffiti, protests etc. therefore to have anyone say there is race baiting or basically ignore the racial issues bobbing to the surface in Oak Park, IL is ridiculous. However, you do have people who rather take offense, than admit there are issues. I love how the denial is lead off with the term “race baiting”! Oh, okay I cannot wait to hear this responsible argument.

But this is the issue with Oak Park, IL you have people who have been so privileged for so long that when that position is questioned or when others different from them ask for fair treatment; there is a fight. With the questioning of opinions with corrections or corrective action so that the opinion is turned upon the person or group that raises the questions is just deflecting from the real issues, very similar to what you would see in court room tv. This in itself is not counterproductive it just makes the problem even worse. Because in most cultures, the term “counterproductive” means that there is a way to repair it: the problem, the issue, the relationship, etc. even though there was a negative impact recently caused.

No, here correcting others in such language makes sure that the discussion is not allowed or not even brought forth. It shuts down others from even speaking up or wanting to interact. Much like an abusive parent being taught positive means of childrearing and reinforcement of positive behaviors in child development. The problem is, that in Oak Park, IL we have people who rather cling to how things are because it means no change and reduction in power. It means that they would not have to share, change, learn or be forced to become the ideals or illusions that they espouse to hold dear or even be. That takes work and self-reflection and there is definitely a lack of that type of humility in Oak Park, IL.

This is the opinion piece that talks about race baiting:

This is the video that talks about the flyers in Oak Park, IL