Wondering about that Rats-Dog poop correlation in Oak Park, IL

I was watching The Channel 5 news and they had this segment about fighting rats in the city of Chicago, that is bordering Oak park, il, with dry ice instead of the conventional bait poison they usually throw down when the residents’ report see rats to 311. And being a hater of rats, yes I do not think the “Black Death” in the middle ages was a good thing, sorry, I listened up.

One of the things that caught my ear was the fact that the head of Streets and Sanitation mentioned during the press conference that if residents could clean up their dog’s poop as it would help immensely. I tried to find the video clip of the Head of Streets and Sanitation stating that on the NBC 5 website but could not find it anywhere this is close as I came:

Chicago unveils new way to get rid of rats: Dry ice

That was from WGN Chicago’s website, but anyway it got me to thinking about Oak Park, IL and how the resident dog owners hardly pick up their animal’s poop even when there are actual signs posted to remind them to do so. I wondered how my neighbors, especially in this complex can attract rats with their laziness and straight up ignorance. My management company Greenplan management does not really regulate this issue at all, only charging the renter extra for their pet, nothing in regards to picking up dog shit, which in turn can be a health hazard and also become nasty ass rat bait.

Although I agree with the argument that it is hard for the company to catch these offenders I actually had no problem doing so, because these owners are so blatant about it. Hell, I hate to give ideas for making revenue to the village of Oak Park, Il or Green plan management because they are two entities that are complete idiots but why not raise the fees in areas that have a huge rat problem due to dog shit being left by the local dog owners.

Now that would make people wake up, to the issue, hell if I was going to be punished because my neighbor is a slob I would turn that mofo in five ways from Sunday! Obviously, if this head of the Streets and Sanitation in freakin Chicago, Il knows this is a problem then finding out who the lazy ass dog owners are should be easy. You know as a former dog owner I wanted to make sure this statement was true since I did not see it in later broadcasts, but I did find a number of sites online mentioning how dog poop attracts rats.

This is one of those (blog) websites: http://doodycallsdirect.com/Waste-Harms-Communities.html

So with so many websites stating this as a fact, and not trying to find out myself due to my hatred of rats and I do not like playing with dog shit I will defer to sites like this that the Sanitation’s guy statement was dead on. I hate to say it but this type of article only inflames my hatred for the lazy ass dog owners in Oak Park, Il. Those who either leave their pet’s shit on a neighbor’s grass and don’t pick it up or they pick up the poop and do not properly dispose of it! Meaning they do not throw in the garbage can, they just drop it on the ground outside their apartment entrance in the courtyard we both share. Ugh Nasty bitches.

I hope they bring this program to Oak Park, IL because this action is a whole lot easier than trying to change the cultural mindset of the lazy ass dog owners of Oak Park, Il. Seriously.


‘Pick Up Pet Poop’ Signs Popping Up Citywide — Why Is This Even Necessary?


This is a great opinion piece about one alderman’s efforts to get Chicago residents to clean up after their dogs, something Oak Park, IL should look into.FYI-It leans towards  cleaning up after your dog isn’t common sense.

Oak Park, IL: Dirty pt 2

As I stated in part one,  my building maintenance is probably one of the worst. I say that this because of an issue of cleanliness that the maintenance people are required to take care of  at least on a weekly basis, and especially if they are announcing to residents this or at they are having an open house each week, while not keeping up the property.

So my issue was with the tissue left in the little lobby area between the two main entrance doors as you enter the apartment building from the courtyard. No, my history with the building management has not been stellar as I alluded to beforehand, so I saw no reason to help them in this endeavor and alert them that their building is not clean for the open house that they chose to have each Saturday. I tried for a month to get a screen door that looked like someone tried to break into the back door fixed for about a month -that’s  another blog for another time. So three pieces of snot rags on the ground? I really did not give a damn to contact them about, at all.

I tried for a month to get a screen door that looked like someone tried to break into the back door fixed for about a month -that’s  another blog for another time. So three pieces of snot rags on the ground? I really did not give a damn to contact them about, at all. Plain and simple. I did not do it and if this “community” that treats everyone like an outsider if they question something they do not agree with, do not want to be involved in their block parties, or  state how they feel about Oak Park, IL., in general, does not like that …suck  a dirty one.

These tissues were sitting there from June 22nd to July 6th, I took pictures on my phone to remind me of the dates that this example of nastiness and laziness occurred. Now if it was one of my neighbors I do not know, but I highly doubt it because many of them use the front entrance too and I doubt would leave these snot rags there! My point of annoyance occurs when between this time span not only was there maintenance man doing outside work to building (outside the entrance) on one date but they had the nerve to post a water shut off notice for the building during this time span!

Therefore the maintenance people had two instances in which they saw the tissue/snot rags on the floor, and had two chances to clean up this mess (or at least be notified about it) but did nothing! I know, at least something got done in a two-week span, hey it is good I was not planning to have anyone over for the 4th like my neighbors did! I shouldn’t complain, it is not like I pay for building maintenance or rent. I hope the building management had a huge Open house and showed all the prospective renters how ghetto they are!

I mean we throw trash around on the ground on this elite side of Austin correct? Glad that the supposed standards of excellent are maintained everywhere, oh Oak Park, IL why are thou not clean (well at least my apartment building)?